Understanding the environmental, health and safety implications of manufactured nanomaterials to foster their sustainable applications:

A COST MODENA, SUN and GUIDEnano training school

University Ca’ Foscari Venice (Italy)
Sunday 11th – Friday 16th January 2015


Ca Foscari Challenge School  Leitat  IOM   The Reach Center

Supporting projects                                                                                                                     Media Partner

 SUN  Modena  Guidenano marina NIA_logo_png

School purpose

The achievement of safe nanoproducts requires an understanding of the properties, biological interactions, fate, risks and environmental impacts of manufactured nanomaterials. The Sustainable Nanotechnology School aims to transfer the state of the art knowledge on these aspects from key experts to the new generation nano environmental, health and safety (EHS) professionals. In order to do so the school will highlight the best available experimental and modeling approaches and practices for physicochemical characterization, (eco)toxicity testing, exposure, risk, and lifecycle assessment of nanotechnologies, taking various stakeholder perspectives and ethical issues into account. The course is structured to balance breadth and depth in these diverse topics, as well as build an integrative understanding of them, while providing an interactive learning environment and direct access to key experts from Europe and the United States. The Sustainable Nanotechnology School is organized in the frame of the major EU FP7 projects SUN and GUIDEnano and the MODENA Cost Action.

Target audience

The 1st Sustainable Nanotechnology School is especially designed for personnel from research and academic institutions as well as from industry, governmental agencies and hospital departments. The School is aimed at senior researchers, young scientists, PhD students and in fact anyone dealing with nanosciences, nanotechnologies and risk assessment of nanotechnology.

School topics

•(Eco)toxicological Risk Assessment
•Exposure Assessment and Monitoring
•Life Cycle Impact Assessment of nanomaterials
•Safe-by-Design nanomanufacturing
•Industrial and Regulatory Perspectives on nanotechnology
•Ethical issues in nanotechnology

Each speaker will hold a lesson, followed by a discussion. All school materials will be provided one week before the school starts.

Scientific Committee

  • Antonio Marcomini, University Ca’ Foscari (Venice, Italy)
  • Danail Hristozov, University Ca’ Foscari (Venice, Italy)
  • Lang Tran, Institute for Occupational Health (Edinburgh, UK)
  • Socorro Vázquez-Campos, LEITAT Technological Center (Barcelona, Spain)

Organizing Committee

  • Judith Friesl, The REACH Centre (Lancaster, UK)
  • Stella Stoycheva, The REACH Centre (Lancaster, UK)
  • Sara Alba, University Ca’ Foscari (Venice, Italy)
  • Vrishali Subramanian, University Ca’ Foscari (Venice, Italy)
  • Amro Satti, LEITAT Technological Center (Barcelona, Spain)

Invited speakers

International experts from Europe and the United States has been invited. Download the detailed programme (currently being updated).

School certificates

Each participant will be given a Certificate of Attendance on successful completion of the School.

School location       Auditorium Santa Margherita

The 1st edition of the school will take place in Venice (Italy). The lectures will be held at a historical auditorium Santa Margherita, which is located in the heart of the city. The main lecture room is equipped with Wi-Fi.

School registration and payment

To register to the school, please fill in the registration form. After you have submitted the form, you will receive a registration confirmation including the payment details and a privacy disclaimer by email. The registration is completed after you have send the privacy disclaimer, duly filled in, and a copy of the payment confirmation from your bank to [email protected].


  • 10 October 2014: Early Registration Deadline (Discount of 10%)
  • 31 October 2014: Registration Deadline
  • 20 November 2014: Late Registration Deadline

Registration fee

The registration fees include: school participation, course materials (slides, reference papers, journal club articles), welcome cocktail, lunches, coffee breaks and a social event. Hotel booking and dinners are not included.

Late Registration

Full Price

Discounted Price*

Industries & Governmental Agencies 1320 € 1200 € 1080 €
Academic 990 € 900 € 810 €
Other PhD students and Post-Docs 770 € 700 € 630 €
Attendees from participating projects (SUN, GUIDEnano and MODENA Cost) and SCI members (Società Chimica Italiana) 660 € 600 € 540 €

(*) Early registration discount of 10%


The cancellation deadline is 21 November 2014, after which date the fees paid will not be returned. In case of cancellation, immediately contact the School Administrative Office ([email protected]). If the notice is received before November 21 2014, 90% of the fee will be refunded.

How to reach and leave Venice & the School venue

Please download the Travel Guidance.


Rooms at special rates are available for the School participants. Please contact Ca’ Foscari Challenge School (contact information below) for more information.


Technical and administrative secretariat:

Ca’ Foscari Challenge School
Elisabetta Beda
e-mail: [email protected]
tel.: +39 041 234 6858 – 6853
fax: +39 041 234 6941


Sara Alba
e-mail: [email protected]
tel.: +39 041 234 8951

Stella Stoycheva
e-mail: [email protected]
tel.: +39 331 762 7613