EU FP7 SUN Sustainable Nanotechnologies
Annual Meeting
8th – 9th October 2015
University Ca’ Foscari Venice (Italy) – campus Via Torino
The second SUN Annual Meeting is aimed at discussing and presenting current results of Theme I, II and III of the project. The meeting will end with open sessions used for different working group meetings in or between WP’s to organize the work during the next months of the project.
Meeting agenda
Here you can download the final agenda of the Annual Meeting.
Meeting Venue
The 2nd SUN Annual Meeting will take place at the new campus of the Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics & Statistics of University Ca’ Foscari Venice – scientific campus via Torino.
Location: Ca’ Foscari University Scientific Campus – Building ALFA, Auditorium
How to reach and leave Venice & the meeting venue
Please download the Travel information.
Please download the Accomodation Sheet for preferential rates for accommodation in recommended hotels near the meeting venue.
Hildegard Luhmann
European Research Services GmbH
Tel.: +49 (0)251 9829.5861
Information about 2nd SUN Stakeholders’ Workshop (limited to invited participants only) could be found here.