Seeking User Feedback on SUN Decision Support System

7th October 2015

University Ca’ Foscari Venice (Italy) – campus Via Torino



The current understanding of the environmental and health risks of manufactured nanomaterials (MN) is still limited, which may result in stagnation of nanotechnology innovation. The EU FP7 Sustainable Nanotechnologies (SUN) project is based on the idea that this knowledge can nevertheless guide nanomanufacturing to avoid liabilities if risk analysis is complemented by a sound socioeconomic analysis in an integrated approach addressing the complete product lifecycle. This is the main rationale behind developing the SUN user-friendly, software-based Decision Support System (SUNDS) for managing the environmental, economic and social impacts of nanotechnologies.
Based on previous rounds of stakeholders’ interviews and a workshop, we have built a conceptual decision framework and methodology and started implementing them into the SUNDS software system. This workshop will present the beta prototype of SUNDS to the intended end users: Representatives of industry, regulatory and insurance sectors, in order to collect their feedbacks for further improvements towards the implementation of the final version of the software by March 2017.


Target audience

The workshop is aimed at representatives of industry, regulatory and insurance sectors.


Workshop agenda

Here you can download the final workshop agenda.


Meeting Venue

The 2nd SUN Annual Meeting will take place at the new campus of the Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics & Statistics of University Ca’ Foscari Venice – scientific campus via Torino.

Location: Ca’ Foscari University Scientific Campus – Building ALFA, Sala Conferenze/ Building ZETA, Lab. 3

Address: Via Torino 155, 30172 Mestre (Venice), Italy.


How to reach and leave Venice & the meeting venue

Please download the Travel information.



Please download the Accomodation Sheet for preferential rates for accommodation in recommended hotels near the meeting venue.



Ineke Malsch

Malsch TechnoValuation (The Netherlands)

Tel: +31 30 281 9820

Email: [email protected]