A practical approach for understanding the environmental, health and safety implications of manufactured nanomaterials to foster their sustainable applications:

A SUN, MODENA COST and ECONANOSORB training school

University Ca’ Foscari Venice (Italy) – campus Via Torino

Sunday 24th – Friday 29th January 2016


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SUN Modena ECONANOSORB logo SCI2 Green decision logo_name

Media partner


School purpose

The achievement of safe nanoproducts requires an understanding of the properties, biological interactions, fate, risks and environmental impacts of manufactured nanomaterials (MN). The Sustainable Nanotechnology School aims to transfer the state of the art knowledge on these aspects from key experts to the new generation nano environmental, health and safety (EHS) professionals. In order to do so the school will highlight the best available experimental and modeling approaches and practices for physicochemical characterization, (eco)toxicity testing, exposure, risk, life-cycle impact assessment and decision support for sustainability of nanotechnologies and risk governance, taking various stakeholder perspectives and ethical issues into account. The course is structured to balance breadth and depth in these diverse topics, as well as build an integrative understanding of them, while providing an interactive learning environment and direct access to key experts from Europe. The Sustainable Nanotechnology School is organized in the frame of the major EU FP7 projects SUN, the MODENA Cost Action and ECONANOSORB.


Target audience

The 2nd Sustainable Nanotechnology School is especially designed for personnel from research and academic institutions as well as from industry, governmental agencies and hospital departments. The School is aimed at senior researchers, young scientists, PhD students and in fact anyone dealing with nanosciences, nanotechnologies and risk assessment of nanotechnology.


School topics

  • Health and Ecological Risk Assessment of MN, including nano-bio interactions, nano(eco)toxicology and exposure estimation;
  • Lifecycle Impact Assessment of MN;
  • Safe-by-Design nanomanufacturing;
  • Decision support for environmental, social and economic sustainability of nanotechnologies;
  • Risk Governance of nanotechnologies;

The school includes lab training and computational and modelling practical courses intended to build an integrative understanding in the above topics, while providing an interactive learning environment and direct access to key experts from Europe.

Each speaker will hold a lesson, followed by a discussion. All school materials will be provided in advance.


Scientific Committee

Danail Hristozov, University Ca’ Foscari (Venice, Italy)

Antonio Marcomini, University Ca’ Foscari (Venice, Italy)

Lang Tran, Institute of Occupational Medicine (Edinburgh, UK)

Giovanni Libralato, University Ca’ Foscari (Venice, Italy)

Organizing Committee

Judith Friesl, The REACH Centre (Lancaster, UK)

Stella Stoycheva, The REACH Centre (Lancaster, UK)

Sara Alba, University Ca’ Foscari (Venice, Italy)

Elisabetta Beda, Challenge School (Venice, Italy)


Invited speakers

International experts from Europe have been invited. Download the final agenda.


School certificates

Each participant will be granted a Certificate of Attendance and 10 university credits on successful completion of the School.


School location       

The 2nd edition of the School will take place in Venice (Italy). The lectures will be held at the new campus of the Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics & Statistics of University Ca’ Foscari Venice – scientific campus via Torino. The main lecture room is equipped with Wi-Fi.

School registration and payment

To register to the school, please fill in the registration form. Due to the capacity limitations of our laboratories, the maximum number of attendees to be accepted is limited to 45. Registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis.

After you have submitted the form, please complete your registration by sending a copy of the bank transfer receipt to [email protected]. Your registration is not complete until you have sent the copy of the payment confirmation.



  • 25 October 2015: Early Registration Deadline (Discount of 20%)
  • 8 November 2015: Registration Deadline


Registration fee

The registration fee includes: VAT, school participation, course materials (slides, reference papers, journal club articles), welcome cocktail, lunches, coffee breaks and a social event. Hotel accommodation and dinners are not included.

Full Price Discounted price*
  • Industries
  • Governmental Agencies
1270 € 1020 €
  • Academic & Medical staff
  • NIA (Nanotechnology Industries Association) members
1050 € 840 €
  • PhD students & Post-Docs
  • Attendees from the SUN and ECONANOSORB projects
  • SCI (Società Chimica Italiana) members
680 € 550 €

                                                                                         (*) Early registration discount of 20%


The cancellation deadline is 20 November 2015, after which date the fees paid will not be returned. In case of cancellation, immediately contact the School Administrative Office ([email protected]). If the notice is received before 20  November 2015, 90% of the fee will be refunded.


How to reach and leave Venice & the School venue

Please download the Travel information.



Hotel bookings in QUALITY HOTEL AMBASCIATORI & DELFINO **** at special rates are available for the school speakers and participants. In order to book a room at the preferential rate of 35 € per room per night including breakfast please use the following link: www.hotelambasciatori-mestre.com and www.hoteldelfino-mestre.com and insert “NANOTECH” in the Client/Guest code field.

For the moment both the hotels are fully booked on 25th January 2016!

You can find more information about the hotel, the special prices and booking conditions, and other recommended hotels near the school venue here.


School Flyer

Please feel free to download and distribute the School Flyeramong your colleagues.


Contacts Technical and administrative secretariat:

Ca’ Foscari Challenge School

Elisabetta Beda

e-mail: [email protected]

tel.: +39 041 234 6858 – 6853 fax: +39 041 234 6941


Sara Alba

e-mail: [email protected]

tel.: +39 041 234 8951

Stella Stoycheva

e-mail: [email protected]