Knowledge Foundation Workshop
March 11, 2015
Venice, Italy
The aim of the workshop is to highlight the results achieved in the two long-term FP7 projects MARINA and nanoMICEX, which will end in October and March 2015, respectively, with a view to pool and discuss the projects’ outcomes for their application in the SUN project in particular, and their consideration in future research programmes in general.
Over three years, the MARINA and nanoMICEX projects have reviewed, developed and validated methods to increase the both the occupational and the environmental health and safety aspects surrounding nanomaterial. This was achieved by making the nanomaterials inherently safer (e.g. through surface modification) and through nano-specific provisions in risk assessment and management procedures. The resulting set of guidelines, good practice principles, safety strategies and referential tools form a valuable foundation of knowledge for the future conduct of the SUN project, who’s ultimate aim it is to guide nanomanufacturing to avoid liabilities if an integrated approach addressing the complete product lifecycle is applied.
Additional EU projects are invited to join the workshop discussion, in order to share their views and results, and to explore ways in which the growing knowledge foundation of nanomaterials safety can benefit their work.
Lang Tran (IOM)
Janeck Scott Fordsmand (AU)
Carlos Fito Lopez (ITENE)
Antonio Marcomini (UNIVE)
Danail Hristozov (UNIVE)
Agenda for the Workshop
13.00 – 13.30 Arrival.
13.30 – 13.40 Welcome – Antonio Marcomini (UNIVE).
13.40 – 13.50 Introduction - Lang Tran (IOM).
13.50 – 14.20 “MARINA – Reference nanomaterials and validated referential characterisation methods“ – N.N.
14:20 – 14:35 “Tools and methods for human and environmental exposure assessment for use within the MARINA risk assessment framework“ – Martie van Tongeren (IOM).
14.35 – 14.50 “Towards integrated testing strategies of engineered nanomaterials – the MARINA approach“ - N.N.
14.50 – 15.05 “Tools on risks of nanomaterials developed within MARINA“ – Agnes Oomen (RIVM).
15:05 – 15:20 “NanoMICEX – Development and validation of safe-by-design strategies to reduce the (eco)toxicological profile of common inorganic pigments” – Sevda Mert (Yeditepe University).
15.20 -15.35 “NanoMICEX – Critical exposure scenarios and Occupational exposure levels during the manufacturing and use of nano-pigments in the ink & paint sector “ – Martie van Tongeren (IOM).
15.35 -15.50 “NanoMICEX – Preventing exposure to common ENMS in the ink & paint sector: design and effectiveness testing of respiratory and dermal Protective Equipment (RPE/DPE)” – Carlos Fito López (ITENE).
15.50 – 16.10 Coffee Break.
16.10 – 16.35 „SUN – Summary of Achievements, Integrating Results from other Projects and the Way Forward“ – Danail Hristozov (UNIVE).
16.35 -17.00 The Way Forward
Discussion on the projects’ outcomes for their application in the SUN project in particular, and their consideration in future research programmes in general.