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12 – 13 March 2015 Venice, Italy


European_Commission_Logo nano gov unive_logo The Reach Center

Supporting project


The 2015 EU-U.S.: Bridging NanoEHS Research Efforts joint workshop will bring together the U.S.- EU Communities of Research (CORs), which serve as a platform for U.S. and EU scientists to share information on nanoEHS research. The workshop is organized by the European Commission and the U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative and hosted by Sustainable Nanotechnologies Project (SUN).

Workshop purpose

The purpose of the workshop is to further promote and deepen the EU-U.S. collaboration on nanosafety research. This workshop is intended to review progress toward COR goals and objectives, clarify and communicate future plans, share best practices, and identify areas of cross-COR collaboration.

Target Audience

The workshop aims to engage scientists and policy makers from academia, research institutes, industry and government dealing with nanosafety research. The workshop will build on and complement the findings from the  Sustainable Nanotechnology Conference 2015: A Joint EU – US Conference, which will take place on 9 – 11 March 2015. Find additional information here.


International experts from Europe and the United States have been invited. Download the programme(final version).

NanoEHS Scrimmage activity

Please download the NanoEHS Scrimmage Rulebook and the List of Teams.

CORs groups

  • Exposure through the Life Cycle, with Material Characterization
  • Ecotoxicity Testing and Predictive Models, with Material Characterization
  • Predictive Modeling for Human Health, with Material Characterization
  • Databases and Ontologies
  • Risk Assessment
  • Risk Management and Control

Steering Committee

  • Georgios Katalagarianakis, Research Programme Project Officer, European Commission
  • Nicolas Segebarth, Research Programme Officer, European Commission
  • Treye Thomas, Leader, Chemical Hazards Program, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
  • Chris Cannizzaro, Physical Science Officer, U.S. Department of State
  • Stacey Standridge, Staff Scientist, U.S. National Nanotechnology Coordination Office (contractor)
  • Antonio Marcomini, Proffessor of Environmental Chemistry, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia
  • Danail Hristozov, Senior Researcher, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia


The Workshop is free of registration fees and open to the public. To register please fill in the registration form. Due to space limitations, pre-registration for the workshop is required. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Coffee breaks will be available for participants during the workshop. Travel, accommodation and food expenses are to be covered by each participant.


  • 15 February 2015: Registration Deadline
  • 1 March 2015: Cancellation Deadline

Cancellation policy

The cancellation deadline is 1 March 2015. In case of cancellation, please contact the Local Organization by e-mail ([email protected]).

Venue and maps

The Workshop will be held at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, in Italy.  Please download useful informationabout the logistics during the workshop (information about the venue for each session, lunches, dinners and the social event).

Aula Magnavenice






How to reach and leave Venice & the Workshop venue

Please download Travel information.

Hotels and Restaurants

Please  contact the Local organization (contact information below) for recommended hotels and restaurants near the workshop venue.



Scientific Organization:

Stacey Standridge

e-mail: [email protected]

tel.:  +1 703 292 81803 (USA)

Local Organization:

Sara Alba
e-mail: [email protected]
tel.: +39 041 234 8951(Italy)

Stella Stoycheva
e-mail: [email protected]
tel.: +39 331 762 7613 (Italy)