From nano risk management to innovation governance:
Developing state of the art, reliable and trustable, governance models and tools for nanomaterials
2nd - 3rd March 2017
Cultural Center Don Orione Artigianelli
Venice, Italy
Nanomaterials and nano-related applications have caused public concern and challenged conventional approaches for risk assessment and management. This has impaired clear risk communication and risk transfer. Consequently, the trust in risk governance of manufactured nanomaterials has dropped and even more so in regards to innovation risk governance.
While the regulatory frameworks are currently being revised to better suit nanomaterials, the supporting models and assessment methods still needs to be documented and taken up by the regulatory system. Moreover, on-going developments and convergence with other enabling technologies will likely pose new and even more complex challenges, which are not considered well today.
Developing and having access to reliable, tailored and up-to-date tools for evaluation and prioritization of the risks posed by production, use and disposal of nanomaterials, in a context that might imply high uncertainty, is therefore essential for anyone involved in taking decisions on these technologies, particularly in the business and insurance sectors.
A comprehensive Risk Governance (RG) framework and tools to equip different stakeholders (e.g. business operators, researchers, regulators, insurers) to facilitate their risk management and transfer decisions is necessary, also to overcome a possible hindrance to innovation.
This workshop will provide a forum for bridging activities of the large EU-funded research projects SUN and caLIBRAte, designed to foster progression of risk assessment and management towards risk governance, through integration of traditional and new models routed in physical science and approaches from social science and related disciplines.
A multi-stakeholder dialogue amongst actors involved and influenced by these risks has been enacted by these projects to inform the design of a Systems-of-Systems framework, which will be based on calibrated and/or performance tested risk assessment and management models and tools.
The overarching scope is to ensure future responsive and responsible innovation risk governance of nanomaterials and nano-enabled products.
The event aims to engage stakeholders to:
- Discuss stakeholders’ needs, priorities and views on managing risks in the innovation, launch, and post marketing monitoring process
- Present state of the art achievements on nano-risk governance, basing on the aims of the caLIBRAte and outcomes of the concluding SUN project
- Explore the SUN decision support system for risk –benefit evaluation and management
- Contribute to define the criteria and function of the future caLIBRAte Systems of Systems risk governance framework.
The workshop will deliver an overview of different activities in the USA and EU that have led to developing frameworks and tools for risk governance of nanotechnologies. One of these approaches is the risk-benefit decision support system of the SUN project (i.e. SUNDS), which will be presented and discussed in the context of the risk governance framework under development in the caLIBRAte project.
Key questions addressed
What are the most updated models for decision-making, risk appraisal and risk transfer? What are the experience, needs and priorities of stakeholders in this field? How these tools can be calibrated and validated? How future innovation governance approaches should look like?
Stakeholders groups
Research, industry, regulatory bodies, insurance, consumers, workers and other civil society organizations, other organization involved in R&D, production, marketing, use, inspection, insurance, communication and decision-making on nanomaterials and nano-related products.
The workshop will be held within the SRA Policy Forum: Risk Governance for Key Enabling Technologies.
A limited number of invitations are available upon request to the workshop organizers (deadline for invitation requests: February 10, 2017).
Workshop agenda
Coming soon
Workshop venue
The workshop will be held in Cultural Center Don Orione Artigianelli, located in the historic center of Venice, Italy.
Hotel Accommodation
Workshop participants can use the special conference rates arranged by the SRA Risk Forum conference. Accommodation at special rates has been blocked by the conference organizers in recommended hotels near the conference venue. Special conference rates are available for bookings in a variety of hotels within different deadlines. Rates are in Euros, per room/night and include 10% VAT and buffet breakfast. City tax is not included and its amount may vary according to the hotel category, from about 2 to 5 Euros per day.
Click here for accommodation options.
We would like to inform you that 28 Feb is the last day of the Venice Carnival and the hotels round these dates get easily fully booked. Therefore, we would like to advise you to book your hotel accommodation as soon as possible. Kindly note some deadlines are soon about to expire and bookings after the stated deadlines will be subject to availability upon request to the chosen hotel.
Workshop Flyer
Download the Workshop Flyerhere!
(caLIBRAte) Keld Alstrup Jensen | The National Research Centre for the Working Environment | Email: [email protected]
(SUN) Danail Hristozov | Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Italy) | Email: [email protected]
(SUN) Stella Stoycheva | The REACH Centre (UK) | Email: [email protected]