You are hereby invited to join the Nano Risk Governance task force, which is an action under the European NanoSafety Cluster, and attend the operational kick of meeting in Venice (Italy) on Wednesday, March 1, 2017. The meeting is conveniently organized as a side-arrangement to the Society for Risk Analysis Policy Forum Meeting on the Risk Governance for Key Enabling Technologies, which also takes place in Venice during this week.
The workshop is organized as a thematic NSC meeting, and will end just before the start of the Society for Risk Analysis Policy Forum Meeting on Risk Governance for Key Enabling Technologies, which also takes place in Venice on March 1nd to 3rd, 2007. So you will be able to cover both events.
The workshop is open to NanoSafety Cluster partners. Please see the invitation and planned agenda and note that you need to register following the link in the invitation or directly from here.
For more information please visit: