Save the dates 2nd – 3rd March on your calendar!
The event aims to engage stakeholders to:
- Discuss stakeholders’ needs, priorities and views on managing risks in the innovation, launch, and post marketing monitoring process
- Present state of the art achievements on nano-risk governance, basing on the aims of the caLIBRAte and outcomes of the concluding SUN project
- Explore the SUN decision support system for risk –benefit evaluation and management
- Contribute to define the criteria and function of the future caLIBRAte Systems of Systems risk governance framework.
The workshop will deliver an overview of different activities in the USA and EU that have led to developing frameworks and tools for risk governance of nanotechnologies. One of these approaches is the risk-benefit decision support system of the SUN project (i.e. SUNDS), which will be presented and discussed in the context of the risk governance framework under development in the caLIBRAte project.
For more information please visit: