Alejandro Caballero-Guzman

EMPA – Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs und Forschungsanstalt | ETHZ – Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich | [email protected] | [email protected]

Title of PhD Dissertation: Environmental exposure of engineered nanomaterials, probabilistic material flow modeling

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Ceyda Oksel

University of Leeds | Imperial College London | [email protected]

Title of PhD Dissertation: NanoSAR: In Silico Modelling of Nanomaterial Toxicity

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Eelco Kuijpers

Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research | [email protected]

Research topic: Investigating the human exposure from CNTs

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Jeroen Noordhoek

Short Bio

Research Topic: Multigeneration effects of nanoparticles

Short description: Investigating ecotxociological consequences of NP on soil invertebrates over multiple generations including epigenetic consequences.


Michael Hennig

Short Bio

Research Topic: Release from nano-enabled products

Short description: Producing and weathering of 14C-CNT nanocomposites, measuring their release in different environmental media.


Rita Bicho

Short Bio

Research Topic: Multigeneration effects of nanoparticles

Short description: Testing NMs suite from SUN and assess ecotoxicology effects, including standard and multigenerational.


Vrishali Subramanian

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice | [email protected]

Title of PhD Dissertation: Developing and Testing a Framework and Methodology for Sustainable Nanotechnology

Short description: Integrating tools developed in SUN into a framework and methodology for Decision Support System and testing it to case studies

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